How to build a lightning fast website

Code on screen from Laravel development project


Why is website speed important?

Website speed is something which has a wealth of knock-on benefits for your entire business, playing a huge role in the success of your Ads, your bounce rates and in turn your conversion rates. Yet the complex nature of building a fast website seems to escape many, leaving businesses under-performing online.

Humans are impatient creatures and in the digital age where we’re accustomed to having everything at our fingertips, websites which with slow loading times are likely to see high drop-off rates.

It’s also extremely important for SEO, with Google making it known that it plays a huge role in your site’s ability to rank. 

Research by Google has found that 53% of mobile website visitors will leave if a webpage doesn’t load within three seconds.

The BBC found that they lost 10% of users per second their site took to load. 

GMS, which has 3.2M monthly unique visitors, boosted direct traffic by 63% year over year, after working on improving its site speed. 

A fantastic piece by Unbounce found that 70% of people admitted that web page speed affected their likeliness to make a purchase. They also found that only 3% of marketers say faster load speeds are their top priority. 

Keen to learn more about how to build a fast website?

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